A Distribution-Free Tabular CUSUM Chart for Autocorrelated Data
A distribution-free tabular CUSUM chart is designed to detect shifts in the mean of an autocorrelated process. The chart’s average run length (ARL) is approximated by generalizing Siegmund’s ARL approximation for the conventional tabular CUSUM chart based on independent and identically distributed normal observations. Control limits for the new chart are computed from the generalized ARL approximation. Also discussed are the choice of reference value and the use of batch means to handle highly correlated processes. The new chart is compared with other distribution-free procedures using stationary test processes with both normal and nonnormal marginals.
منابع مشابه
A two-sided Bernoulli-based CUSUM control chart with autocorrelated observations
Usually, in monitoring a proportion p < /em>, the binary observations are considered independent; however, in many real cases, there is a continuous stream of autocorrelated binary observations in which a two-state Markov chain model is applied with first-order dependence. On the other hand, the Bernoulli CUSUM control chart which is not robust to autocorrelation can be applied two-sided co...
متن کاملMonitoring Autocorrelated Processes Using A Distribution-Free Tabular CUSUM Chart With Automated Variance Estimation
Student Member, Institute of Industrial Engineers. E-mail: [email protected]. Telephone: (404) 8229746. Fax: (404) 894-2301. E-mail: [email protected]. Telephone: (404) 894-2361. Fax: (404) 894-2301. Member, Institute of Industrial Engineers. E-mail: [email protected]. Telephone: (404) 894-2365. Fax: (404) 894-2301. Member, Institute of Industrial Engineers, and corresponding author. E-mail:...
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A Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) control chart capable of detecting changes in both the mean and the standard deviation for autocorrelated data, referred to as the Max-CUSUM chart for Autocorrelated Process chart (MCAP chart), is proposed. This chart is based on fitting a time series model to the data, and then calculating the residuals. The observations are represented as a first-order autoregressive ...
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Some of the most widely-investigated control charting techniques for autocorrelated data are based on time series residuals. If the mean shift in the autocorrelated process is a sudden step shift, the resulting mean shift in the residuals is time varying and has been referred to as the fault signature. Traditional residual based charts, such as a Shewhart, CUSUM, or EWMA on the residuals, do no...
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